Add a Question

To add questions to a quiz, go to Resources > Maintain LMS Assessments, select the quiz you wish to edit, and click the Edit button in the toolbar. Click on the appropriate question group, then click Add Question on the toolbar of the editing window. You can also right-click on a question group and select Add Question from the pop-up menu.

c:\temp\Wiki\Maintain Assessments\image1136.jpg

The New Question pop-up window will appear.

addQuestion image

Select the type of panel you wish at add:

Multiple Choice/Single Answer
Multiple Choice is a graded question that requires the user to select the single correct choice from a maximum of 10 possible choices.
Multiple Choice/Multiple Answer
Multiple Response is a graded question that requires the user to select all of the correct choices from a maximum of 10 possible choices. Any number of choices can be correct, and the user must select all correct choices for the question to be graded as correct.
Yes/No is a graded question that requires the user to select the single correct choice from two choices. It is usually written in the form of a statement that is either yes or no.
True/False is a graded question that requires the user to select the single correct choice from two choices. It is usually written in the form of a statement that is either true or false.
Text - Single Answer
Fill in the Blank is a graded question that requires the user to enter the answer in blank field. There is only one correct answer to the type of question, although up to 10 answers can be entered to account for variations in response.
The final page of the content, presenting the user's score and results.
From Question Pool
Pulls an entire external content module into the current content, or access a group of assessment questions in a pool.
Content Only
Content Only is not graded and any informative text can be written in this slide.
Matching is a graded question that requires the user to match the items in the second column with the items in the first column. There is a maximum of 10 matching pairs. All items in the match column must correctly correspond to all items in the choice column for the question to be graded as correct.

Click the Add Panel button on the lower right side of the screen. On the next screen, you will be able to fill in the details of the question you wish to add.

Related Links

Add or edit an assessment

Content only

Text - single answer


Multiple choice single answer

Multiple choice multiple answer

Yes or No question

True or False question

Score and Exit

Add a question from a question pool

Import a question

Add or edit question group

Change the order of questions and groups

Delete a question or group

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